Dr Matthew Worthington

Dr Matthew Worthington
DPsych (Clinical), MSc (Psych), BA (Hons) (Bus).
Dr Matthew Worthington works with some of the most powerful businesspeople in Australia. His specialist subject is self worth and why we get pushed around so much by a need for self worth.
Matt will explain the evolutionary origins of self worth and how its tied to protection and survival.
He will show you that self worth is an outmoded primitive concept. In todays society to still believe our value is defined by the approval or disapproval of others is a “thought trap”. This is often a sign of past, trauma, bullying and/or  strict, critical parent.  In later life this manifests as controlling perfectionism or procrastination or both,  these learnt behaviours are ways to enhance our own self worth in front of our “inner mental tribe”. Matt will show you how to free yourself from the worth trap and to stop people pleasing, procrastinating, perfectionism
Matt is probably best known for his warm sense of humour and for being a great motivator. Matt’s resourcefulness stems from his varied life experiences. He has travelled widely and has a “can do” attitude when overcoming challenges.
In his younger years (he is now in his mid 40’s) he served as a police officer and in the military and has owned several businesses.
Some of Matt’s achievements – he started a mail order business after reading the book “The Lazy Man’s Way to Riches” by Joe Karbo and grew it from $0 to $2million turnover in 12 months with no major borrowing! He just took some big risks.
Once he added 50% of to his salary overnight during a recruitment drive for therapists, after literally crossing from line of lower paid to another line of higher paid employees and he just asked for a higher paid position …..and got it!!
Matt’s biggest achievement to date was hitchhiking 16000 km around the USA – without any money & every single night he was given free accommodation, he even received a free flight!!!
Dr Matt has a number of practices. He works in one of the oldest psychology clinics in Australia, a centre of excellence, Brisbane Counselling Centre, on the famous Wickham Terrace in Queensland. He also works at the medical centre, Queensland University of Technology as well as Greenslopes Doctors Surgery, Brisbane.
Two of Dr Matt’s life goals are to trek to the North Pole and climb Mount Everest.

Matt is also about to start an executive coaching course at Cambridge University , UK.

Topics include:

  • low self worth
  • anxiety
  • people pleasing
  • lack of assertiveness
  • relationship issues
  • depression
  • motivation issues
  • workplace issues such as bullying
  • finding personal values and life’s direction
  • addiction (including gambling and pornography)
  • post-traumatic stress disorder
  • academic issues
  • business coaching