Ian is the Chairman and Founder of Clean Up Australia (CUA), a community-based not-for-profit organisation that co-ordinates Clean Up Australia Day and the international Clean Up the World campaign run in conjunction with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). Ian started Clean Up Australia Day in 1989 and it has since grown to become the largest community-based participation project in the country.
Ian Kiernan has 30 years experience as a fully licensed Master Builder and property investor specialising in the repair and rejuvenation of historic and heritage buildings.
Ian is Chairman of the Co-operative Research Centre (CRC) for Waste Management and Pollution Control Ltd and a Director of CVC Reef Ltd..
In recognition of his leadership in the environment and the community both in Australia and internationally, Ian was named 1994 Australian of the Year. He holds the Order of Australia Medal (OAM) and was made an Officer of the Order of Australia (AO) on Australia Day 1995.
In 1993, Ian was made a UNEP Global 500 Laureate for his work and leadership in the local and global environment. In 1997 he was inducted as a Rotary Paul Harris Fellow. Ian is a Vice-President of the international organisation ACOPS (Advisory Council on Protection of the Seas). In 1998, Ian was awarded the prestigious United Nations Environment Programme Sasakawa Environment Prize.
Ian is a Patron of Sailors with Disabilities and the Lord Howe Island Public School. He is also the Chairman of the Lord Howe Island Museum Trust. Ian is an honorary Golden Circle member of the Slocum Society, as well as being a member of the Cape Horners-Australia and League of Ancient Mariners.